In an era of demanding stakeholders’ expectations regarding financial probity, budgetary transparency and the proven impact value of funded work programs, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) remain one of those aspects of organizational management that is extensively discussed but rarely practised.
This programme entails M&E data processing and setting up of effective M&E systems within organizations.
Programme Benefits
After attending the programme, participants will be able to:
- Develop a system to collect and compile data
- Determine an appropriate method of analyzing, presenting and disseminating information to different stakeholders
- Demonstrate the ability to use the information to identify problems and implement changes
- Describe and understand the various stages in an M&E system: planning, data collection, making data usable and using data for decision-making to help organizations reflect on and strengthen their plans
Target Audience
The programme is designed for senior managers and all professionals who might have undertaken the basic Monitoring & Evaluation training and need to progress to the advanced level.
Programme Structure
- Introduction to surveys
- Developing survey instruments and procedures
- Questionnaire design
- Sampling procedures
- Data gathering
- Impact evaluations
- Defining impact
- Why monitor and/or evaluate impact?
- Various techniques: randomization, the difference in difference etc.
- Group discussions
Digital Data gathering (Open Data Kit):
- Survey Authoring
- Designing forms manually: Using XLS Forms
- Hosting survey data and platforms for hosting
- Configuring the server
- Preparing the mobile phone for data collection
- Downloading data
- Working with Spatial data (GPS Coordinates)
Comparison of Data analysis packages Excel, SPSS, STATA, R etc.
- Plenary discussion with participants
- The rationale for choosing software for analysis
- Qualitative vs. quantitative data
- Variable selection and analytical needs
- Data quality: criteria and cleaning processes in excel/SPSS
- Data validation
Introduction to Excel for Data processing and Analysis
- Data Auditing and Validation using Excel
- Variable measures: categorical vs. interval
- Measures of central tendency and association
- Data visualization in excel: graphs, charts and tables
- Overview of SPSS
- Data Management and Graphics with SPSS
Running frequencies in SPSS
- Tests of significance: comparing groups/area
- Tests of Association (Cross-tabs, Chi-Squared, Tau, Eta, Phi & Cramer’s V)
Difference (T-Test, Chi-Squared)
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Correlation Analysis (Pearson, Spearman)
- Regression Analysis
- Interpreting data: statistical inference
- Data for decision making
- Understanding stakeholder needs
- Knowledge management
How to register:
Submit your online application on the link below.