Learn to safely and effectively screen, triage, and treat patients with COVID-19 through this FREE online training program provided in collaboration by Project HOPE, DisasterReady, and the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies at the Watson Institute of Brown University.
This training is designed for health workers and leadership on the frontlines of the crisis to increase their capacity to respond rapidly and efficiently to the threat of COVID-19, while also protecting their own health.
Free courses include:
- COVID-19 Background
Infection Prevention and Control
Screening and Triage
Diagnosis and Management
Stabilization and Resuscitation
Medical Surge Operations Planning
Risk Communication and Public Health Messaging
This eLearning was funded by a grant from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy.
How to register:
COVID-19 Training for Health Workers: Preparedness and Response is one of over 1,000 free online learning opportunities in DisasterReady.org. Create your free account and get started today.