Why land and security solutions need to be forged together to respond to the threats posed by climate change and create a more peaceful world.
Conflicts over land have been a feature of human existence since time immemorial. Land confers livelihood, living space, territory, even national identity. Nearly all of humanity’s food needs depend on one hand-span of soil - yet an estimated 34 million tonnes of topsoil are lost to erosion every year. Land degradation, climate change, population pressure, conflict and poor governance can interact in reinforcing feedback loops, directly impacting the health and livelihoods of 1.5 billion people. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that integrating land restoration with community-based peacebuilding can create a virtuous cycle leading to both environmental and social recovery, and contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation. The constraint to implementing this approach often lies in weak intersectoral co-operation and the need to build trust for the governance of shared natural resources.
The course, which is co-designed by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and by Initiatives of Change, takes place within the framework of the 'Caux Dialogue on Environment and Security'.
Learning objectives
- Deeper understanding of the main challenges in the nexus between land restoration, climate change mitigation and adaptation, human security, migration and conflict;
- Increased capacity to respond more effectively to land security challenges as policy makers and practitioners;
- Enhanced analysis of the strengths and limitations of existing responses and increased ability to articulate more effective alternatives;
Exchange views among peers and global experts and practitioners from the Summer Academy and the Caux Dialogue.
This course target audience are environment and security professionals from public and private sectors:
- civil servants
- researchers
- diplomats
- military
- private sector representatives
- community leaders
- NGOs
- International organisations
To create the global cooperation that will be required to respond to the land and security challenges of the 21st century.