Course Introduction:
Water provision and governance of water involve complex systems and the coordination of different stakeholders at all levels of government. Adding to the challenge are the political and institutional contexts of the country. In many contexts, reforms for effective water management are hampered by an unclear allocation of roles and responsibilities, territorial fragmentation and limited capacity at the local level.
Leading international experts and practitioners will provide unique insights into international best practices and water governance tools. Participants will learn to actively apply the five building blocks required for sound water governance:
- Powerful administrative organisation
- Legally embedded system
- Adequate financing system and economic analyses of water services
- Systematic planning approach
- Participation of stakeholders
In addition, understanding the theoretical concepts and international cases, participants will visit several Dutch examples of water projects. These field visits will focus on private-public cooperation and the approach of Integrated Water Resource Management. You will also learn first-hand about how to deal with high-water levels, manage dikes, increase flood safety, and address environmental concerns.
Course modality:
Due to the travel restrictions associated with the Coronavirus outbreak, the format of the course has been adjusted*.* We are now offering a practice-oriented blended course, consisting of two parts:
Online module: This module will consist of several assignments spread throughout the timeframe provided. This is an opportunity to learn about the topic (while enhancing your online skills in an innovative e-learning environment) and prepare you for the next part of the course.
Dates: 28 September to 6 November.
Face-to-Face course: Participants will spend eight days in The Netherlands, focusing on study visits, expert presentations and the exchange of experiences with other participants. We intend to offer this part of the training in 2020, but if this proves not to be possible, it will be postponed to 2021 at the earliest possibility.
Dates: 16 to 23 November.
Key Information
- This blended training will take place from 28 September to 23 November 2020, both online and in The Hague.
- The application deadline is 11 September 2020
- Group discounts are available if you participate with three or more colleagues.
- For general inquiries, please contact or call +(31) 70 37 38 695.
Learning Objectives
This course will help you to:
- Acquire the knowledge, concepts, and principles of integrated, multilevel water governance;
- Identify instruments for increasing social and financial accountability of water management and water services;
- Increase insight in the legal, political and institutional framework affecting water governance in your context;
- Become acquainted with assessment tools and new approaches for dealing with the challenges of water governance;
- Broaden your knowledge of international best practices in the field of multilevel water governance.
By participating in this course you will meet colleagues from other parts of the world, exchange experiences with experts and visit many examples of Dutch water management. You will link international best practices and tools with your own working context and think about practical solutions for the challenges you face in your home country.
After this course, you will receive a professional certificate of completion from The Hague Academy for Local Governance.
Intended Audiences
This course is intended for policymakers and technical staff of organisations responsible for water management at different levels. The course is also aimed at programme managers and advisors working for donor and development organisations. Read the experiences of a former course participant.
Top experts in the field will contribute to this course:
Eiman Karar: Eiman is a natural scientist with over 20 years of experience in water resources management in Africa. Currently, she is a Senior Advisor at the United Nations Environmental Programme. Between 2005-2016, Eiman was the Executive Manager for the Management of Water Resources department at the Water Research Commission (WRC) of South Africa. Before that, she acted as Director of the Department of Water Affairs of South Africa, developing policies pertaining to all decentralised Water Management Institutions and their related governance arrangements. She has extensive experience in research and policy-making around decentralisation of management decisions (including the legal, organisational, financial and technical aspects). In the course, Eiman will discuss Institutional Frameworks of Multilevel Water Governance, namely processes for institutional development such as roles and responsibilities at various jurisdictional levels. She will also present water resources regulations and planning tools and discuss international cooperation in water management.
Robert van Cleef: Robert is a business and water economist, currently acting as Director/Senior Consultant at Sterk Consulting. He is responsible for the programme ‘Economics of Water’ and is involved in different projects that focus on the efficient functioning of the water sector. He has developed and implemented a range of tools to help government agencies to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. He mainly specialises on budgeting and financing of water management, including cost reductions, monitoring efficiency gains and operationalizing (economic) policy instruments. In the course, Robert will discuss financial arrangements of water governance, including the theory of financing systems for successful water management. He will introduce the Financial Assessment Tool and participants will apply it analysing the case of Lake Naivasha.
Speakers from the Dutch Water Authorities and Waternet (names to be confirmed) will also be part of the programme.
Various field visits will be organised as part of the training, focusing on private-public cooperation and examples of Integrated Water Resource Management. Participants will also learn first-hand about how to deal with high water levels, manage dikes, increase flood safety, and address environmental concerns.
How to register:
Click here to register. The application deadline is 11 September 2020.